Using a Pre Paid Credit Card
What Are the Advantages?

    pre paid credit card

    Are you wondering why you should use a pre paid credit card? It seems that in every store you go to, you see an entire display of plastic cards. Some of them are pre paid and others are unsecured.

    What’s the difference and what are the advantages to using a pre paid card over a non pre paid card.

    A prepaid credit card can be a good option for a lot of reasons.

    To Use as a Gift:

    Suppose it’s your son or daughter’s birthday. Getting them a prepaid credit card can be very beneficial. This is a way that they can buy whatever they want without having to carry cash around.

    Also, in this day and age, products can be bought on the internet. This card gives them easy access to a lot of items.

    This is also a perfect gift for anyone who you don’t know what to get. If it has a Visa or MasterCard logo on it, the card can be used anywhere.

    To Avoid Carrying Cash:

    A pre paid credit card is a way to purchase items without using cash. Again, this is very useful when purchasing things off the internet.

    It is also a way of sticking to a budget. Because the card is pre paid, it has a limited amount of funds. Those funds are what you put into it.

    Think about this. You just got paid. You take a check to the bank and get it cashed. Now, you have all this money. You have bills of various denominations that you stick in your wallet, but cash can be incredibly frustrating to use sometimes.

    You have to pull out bills and count them and give them to the cashier, who then gives you change in return. You may have more bills, and possibly more coins as well. Now, you have to organize it and stick it all back in your wallet.

    The problem is that this can be a waste of time. Sometimes, you don’t even know how much cash you actually have. A $10.00 bill can be mixed in with the ones. It’s usually a good idea to pull all the cash out and count it regularly in order know how much you have and how much you are actually spending.


    Having a pre paid card makes life so much easier. All you have to do is swipe it at the register. For smaller purchases, you don’t even have to sign. Just grab your merchandise and go. If you ever want to know how much is left on the card, all you have to do is call the number or login to the website. It really is that easy.

    Stick to your Budget:

    Moreover, many of the cards nowadays have the ability to be reloaded. This way, you only need one card. You are only spending the money that you actually have and therefore you can stick to your budget much easier.

    Will not Affect Your Credit:

    Although a pre paid card is considered a type of credit card, it will not hurt nor build your credit becauase it does not reflect how you pay off a balance. If you already have bad credit, this is a great card for you as you won't be in danger of getting further into debt. However, if you're wanting to rebuild your credit, you should opt for a secured credit card instead.

    These are just a few advantages of having a pre paid credit card.

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