Should You Pay for Your Wedding with a Cash Back Credit Card?Everybody wants to get married without breaking the bank. However, nobody wants to look stingy and miserly on his or her wedding day either.
A well-organized wedding will set you back by around $30,000 after providing for a ten percent margin for impulsive purchases. The conventional option is to save money for years so that you can pay for your wedding expenses without relying on others.
Instead, you can adopt a smarter approach and try using a rewards or cash back credit card to finance your wedding. Combining your past savings and future income will ensure this memorable event is conducted without any compromises or adjustments.
Do not be in a hurry to apply for the first rewards credit card or cash back credit card offered by lenders. You will enjoy the following benefits if you choose the right card to finance your dream wedding.
1)Save on Your Honeymoon
- Redeeming reward points against a trip to a romantic destination can help you reduce your honeymoon expenses significantly. You can use the rewards to reduce the cost of your wedding or can enjoy a bigger budget for your wedding dress or venue.
2)Splurge on Your Favors
You can use the reward points or cash back bonuses to buy amazing favors and trinkets at fantastic discounts. This will ensure your wedding ends up as a memorable event for your guests as well.
Instead of boring and poor quality favors, you can go for quality and stylish gifts for all your friends and relatives who attended your wedding. Your wedding does not have to look cheap just because you are operating on a tight budget. Compare the various rewards offered before signing on to the best rewards credit card for your wedding.
3)Get Cool Stuff for Your New Home
You can redeem the reward points against home gadgets, kitchen accessories, and electronic products to ensure your marital life gets off to a great start. Remember, not all cards will offer the same rewards. Try to choose a card that offers the most useful rewards. Of course, you have the option of selling unwanted rewards to your friends and relatives at a discount to reduce the overall cost of your wedding.
4)Gifts for Your New Spouse
You can use rewards to buy fancy gifts for your partner. How about a fancy car accessory for your car-loving husband? Or, how about a stylish briefcase for your ambitious wife? Using the credit card to pay for your wedding expenses will leave you free to splurge on these romantic gifts without any hesitation or guilt.
5)Get CASH BACK and Save on Your Wedding
A cashback credit card, as the name suggests, will offer a one to five percent refund on all purchases made using the card. Even a one percent refund on your $30,000 wedding will translate into significant savings. If a statement credit is made, then your credit card debt will automatically come down by the amount refunded by the lender. If you get a check, then you are free to use the money as you deem fit.
Just watch out for the risk of starting your married life with a credit card debt running into tens of thousands of dollars. Make sure you repay your dues on time and your decision to rely on cash back credit cards and rewards credit cards for financing your wedding will turn out to be your smartest decision ever.
What about you? Have you paid for your wedding with a cash back credit card?
Next read:Amazing Vacations for the Amazingly Rich
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